不明原因的脑萎缩是精神病学上的一个谜。本文作者研究说明脑萎缩与对人脑蛋白迟发过敏反应之间的关系。分别用5、10和20毫克人脑蛋白(HBP)免疫豚鼠和鼠。7、14、21、28天后,用1/10旧结核菌素、60微克HBP和60微克人肝蛋白(HLP)做皮试。24小时后看皮试结果。实验动物大、小脑和脊髓做组织学检查。另一组动物用HLP免疫。 594例患者中脑萎缩187例。将100微克HBP和HLP注射在左前臂皮内。24小时后观察结果。蛛网膜下腔注入30毫升气体,做气脑造影。脑沟增宽者为皮质萎缩,脑室增大者为白质萎缩。智力减低是主要临床症状。病史和临床检查除外下列脑萎缩病因:中毒、缺氧、营养和激素缺乏、新生物、癫痫、脑动脉硬化,衰老、Pick氏病、遗传性舞蹈病,遗传性疾病、Alzheimer氏病、震颤麻痹、大脑导水管及出口梗阻、儿童脑积水、动脉瘤、脑脓肿、先天性脑发育不
An unexplained brain atrophy is a mystery in psychiatry. The authors study illustrates the relationship between brain atrophy and delayed allergic reaction to human brain proteins. Guinea pigs and mice were immunized with 5, 10, and 20 mg of human brain protein (HBP), respectively. After 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, skin tests were performed with 1/10 old tuberculin, 60 μg HBP and 60 μg human liver protein (HLP). After 24 hours to see the skin test results. Experimental animals, cerebellum and spinal cord to do histological examination. Another group of animals is immunized with HLP. In 594 patients, there were 187 cases of atrophy in the brain. 100 micrograms of HBP and HLP were injected intradermally in the left forearm. Observed after 24 hours. Subarachnoid injection of 30 ml of gas, do pneumoperitoneum. Supra talbea enlargement of cortical atrophy, ventricular enlargement of white matter atrophy. Mental retardation is the main clinical symptom. History and clinical tests include the following causes of brain atrophy: poisoning, hypoxia, nutrition and hormone deficiency, neoplasms, epilepsy, cerebral arteriosclerosis, aging, Pick’s disease, genetic chorea, hereditary diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinsonism , Cerebral aqueduct and outlet obstruction, pediatric hydrocephalus, aneurysm, brain abscess, congenital brain development