Vortices and Vortical Structures in InternalAerodynamics

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hero616
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The paper aims at summarizing the author’s recent phenomenological study of the orthe, developmeot and identification of vortical structures in internal aerodynamics.A connection between evolution of these structures and flow separation in closed cUrVed channels is also discussed. It has been shown that in real fluids the individual vortex cores very soon lose their identity and merge into a new dissipative structure, the properties of which still have to be defined. The paper aims at summarizing the author’s recent phenomenological study of the orthe, developmeot and identification of vortical structures in internal aerodynamics. A connection between evolution of these structures and flow separation in closed cUrVed channels is also discussed. It has been shown that in real fluids the individual vortex cores very soon lose their identity and merge into a new dissipative structure, the properties of which still have to be defined.
目的观察年龄对胃排空、胃中间横带(MTB)和胃内食物分布的影响。方法 50例健康志愿者按年龄不同分为青年组、中年组和老年组,进食99mTc-DTPA标记的试餐后利用双探头SPECT采集
目的探讨依替米星联合胸腺肽肠溶片方案治疗耐多药肺结核的疗效。方法 160例耐多药肺结核患者,采用随机数字法分为对照组和治疗组,每组80例。对照组采用常规抗痨方案治疗,治
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用流式细胞计技术研究了CD23在新制备的小鼠脾脏B细胞的表达及B细胞活化过程中CD23表达的变化,发现脾脏B细胞形成CD23 ̄+和CD23 ̄-两个主要细胞群,CD23 ̄+细胞主要存在于浮力密度较高的小B细胞群中,而CD23 ̄-B细胞则主要为