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蔬菜病毒病“三夏”期间,高温干旱,蚜虫发生量大,是番茄、辣椒等露地蔬菜病毒病的高发期。防治措施:一是及时浇水,降低地温,促进根系发育。浇水宜在早、晚进行,切忌大水漫灌和在暴热天浇大水。应根据天气、土壤墒情、蔬菜生长情况决定浇水次数。果实膨大期应避免缺水。雨后及时排水,注意中耕。二是追肥时适当增加有机肥,注意增施磷钾肥,防止早衰,增强植株抗性。三是及时防治蚜虫,减少传毒媒介。番茄晚疫病该病对番茄是毁灭性病害,具有蔓 Vegetable virus disease “three summer ” period, high temperature and drought, aphids occur large, tomato, pepper and other open-season vegetable virus disease period. Control measures: First, timely watering, reduce ground temperature and promote root development. Watering should be carried out in the early and late, avoid flood irrigation and water poured in hot days. Should be based on the weather, soil moisture, vegetable growth determines the number of watering. Fruit should be scared to avoid water shortage. Drainage in time after rain, pay attention to cultivating. The second is the appropriate fertilizer when the top-dressing, pay attention to the application of phosphorus and potassium to prevent premature aging and enhance plant resistance. Third, timely prevention and control of aphids, reduce transmission media. Late Blight Tomato The disease is a devastating disease on tomatoes, with vine
The logging company of Sichuan Petroleum Administration is a specialized one engaged in field welllogging and integrating well logging,perforating and scientif
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在汉水河畔岳口镇 ,有一个普通的共产党员 ,她怀着中国人寿保险的关爱 ,访遍这里的千家万户 ,播撒着党对人民的深情厚爱 ,赢得了岳口 11万人民的无比信赖 :1998年 ,中国人寿