全国无线电干扰标准化技术委员会1分会(SAC/TC79/SC7)第一届三次会议于2009年6月19日在丹东举行。来自全国的28名代表出席了会议。会议由1分会主任委员胡景森主持。会议主要内容如下: 1.I分会秘书长陈世钢做了I分会2008年度工作总结及2009年度工作计划报告,就标准制修订的完成情况、国际文件的接收与回复情况、参加2008年CISPR I(大阪)国际会议情况、I分会网站维护、秘书处的日常工作、I分会财务情况、问题与不足、2009年度的工作计划等八个方面向大会作了汇报。与
The 3rd Session of the First Session of National Technical Committee 1 for Standardization of Radio Interference on Radio Interference (SAC / TC79 / SC7) was held in Dandong on June 19, 2009. 28 representatives from all over the country attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Hu Jingsen, chairman of the 1th chapter. The main contents of the conference are as follows: 1.I, Secretary-General Chen Shigang made a summary of the 2008 annual work of I Sub-council and 2009 annual work plan report. Participated in the 2008 CISPR I (Osaka ) International Conference, website maintenance I Branch, the daily work of the Secretariat, the financial situation of Branch I, problems and deficiencies, the 2009 work plan and other reports to the General Assembly. versus