牛仔服装作为一种时尚,广泛地走进了人们的生活。1950年,已经经营百年的第一大牛仔品牌 Levis 系列牛仔服的销售额是200万美元,到1975年,销售额就达到10亿美元。巨额利润吸引了众多竞争者,一时间市场上牛仔服装式样不断翻新,品牌不胜枚举。在激烈的市场竞争中,Lee’s 牌牛仔脱颖而出,一跃成为牛仔服装的第二大品牌,并且在女性市场上备受青睐,无人匹敌。在美国,当问及女性消费者下一次购买牛仔服会是什么品牌时,40%的女性会说是 Lee’s牌。到1992年,在牛仔服装市场疲软、销售额下降2%的情况下,Lee’s 公司却比上年增长了38.4%,市场占有率增加了7.6%;同期公司最大的竞争对手 Levis 的市场份额却下降了17个百分点。到1992年8月,Lee’s 牛仔服的市场份额达到了20%。更重要的是,Lee’s 公司的领导发现,Lee’s 的消费者有极大的品牌忠诚度,他们预测现在的这些消费者即使将来老了,也会继续穿 Lee’s 牌牛仔服的。
Jeans as a fashion, widely into people’s lives. In 1950, Levis, the largest denim brand that has been in business for a hundred years, reported sales of $ 2 million and by 1975 sales reached $ 1 billion. Huge profits attracted many competitors, for a time on the market denim clothing style constantly refurbished, the brand is numerous. In the fierce competition in the market, Lee’s denim jeans stand out as the second largest denim clothing brand, and in the female market has been favored, unmatched. In the United States, when asked what brand of female consumers will buy jeans the next time, 40% of women would say Lee’s. By 1992, when the denim clothing market was sluggish and its sales dropped 2%, Lee’s increased by 38.4% over the previous year and increased its market share by 7.6%. Meanwhile, the market share of its largest competitor, Levis, decreased 17 percentage points. By August 1992, Lee’s jeans reached 20% market share. More importantly, Lee’s leaders found that Lee’s consumers have great brand loyalty and they predict that these consumers will continue to wear Lee’s jean even in the future.