<正> EDITOR’S NOTE:Forprolonged period,Qamdo has been a gateway toChina’s hinterland and the heartland of Tibet as well.Given its importantgeological location
Chawalung is a small town lying on a transport hub linking Zayu of Tibet with Gongshan of Yunnan Province. It is home to theTibetan, Dulong, Nu, Lili, Naxi and
Hada is a Tibetan--word meaningsilks in Tibetanlanguage.It is tra-ditionally used as a ritualfabric presented to the stat-ues of Buddha, Living Bud-dhas,any rev
Yamzhog Yumco Lake is one of the three sacred lakes in Tibetan snow area, located in Nangarze County of Shannan Prefecture.Nangarze County is a semi-agricultura