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2012年第7期作为《数据》杂志多年的忠实读者,由于工作的原因,难免与普查“结缘”。看到2012年第7期《数据》“普查专栏”栏目的《差异中看普查宣传之“道”》一文时,亲切之感油然而生。常常听人说:“不管是什么普查,宣传工作都大同小异,无非就是写写信息、组织组织活动嘛。”笔者认为普查宣传应该具体问 2012 No. 7 As a faithful reader of Data magazine for many years, due to the work, it is inevitable that the Census “get along”. When I saw the article entitled “Differences in the Census Propaganda” in the section of “Data” and “Census Column” in the seventh issue of 2012, a sense of intimacy arises spontaneously. Often hear people say: “No matter what the census, publicity work is more or less the same, nothing more than writing information, organization and organization of activities. ” I think the census should be specific
一那是我第一次参加别人的葬礼。一个远房到我都记不得是谁的亲戚,又是寿终正寝,于是,我没有多少悲伤,只是为了那半天的假而高兴。我默默跟在送葬队伍的最后面, That was my
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(一)拾起阳光,已不再去拾那些被遗忘在世上的残留的阳光了…… (a) Picking up the sun is no longer picking up the remaining sunlight that was forgotten in the world
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吃泥螺是桩美事,拾泥螺更是件乐事。我多年前在老家海边随爷爷奶奶生活时,常随大人们到浅海泥涂中拾泥螺。落潮的时候,海滩相当宽,一 Eating mud snails is a beautiful thi