以新规则实施后欧洲女子摔跤运动员技战术特点为研究对象,通过文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、专家访谈法,对2012年、2014年欧洲女子摔跤锦标赛运动员技战术使用进行对比分析得出:新规则实施后,站立技术仍然是主要的得分环节,大分值动作出现的频率增加;站立技术向多元化发展,但使用和得分最高的仍是抱腿技术,占站立总得分的34.8%,滚桥技术是跪撑环节中最主要的得分手段,占跪撑总得分的54.7%;规则修改后,站立技术使用平均每场增加1.06次,比赛节奏的加快使比赛更具观赏性;运动员以技术优势,双肩获胜的比例明显增加,30 s强制进攻环节激发了运动员采取主动进攻战术,而边线战术的使用更加合理。希望本研究为广大女子摔跤教练员和运动员的竞赛和训练提供可参考意见,对提高运动员技战术水平起到积极的促进作用。
Taking the technical and tactical characteristics of the European women wrestlers as the object of study after the implementation of the new rules, the comparative analysis of the technical and tactical uses of the European women’s wrestling championships in 2012 and 2014 was conducted through literature review, video observation, mathematical statistics and expert interviews It is concluded that the standing technique is still the main scoring part after the implementation of the new rule, and the frequency of the great value action increases. The standing technique is diversified. However, the most used and highest scoring technique is the legging technique, which accounts for the total standing score 34.8%. Rolling technique is the most important method of scoring in kneeling links, accounting for 54.7% of the total score of kneeling. After the rule is amended, the average standing skill is increased by 1.06 times per game. The accelerated pace of competition makes the competition more enjoyable ; Athletes with technical superiority, shoulders significantly increased the proportion of winning, 30s force the offensive part of the athletes to take the initiative to attack tactics, and the use of sideline tactics more reasonable. It is hoped that this study can provide reference for the competition and training of the majority of wrestling coaches and athletes and plays a positive role in improving the technical and tactical skills of athletes.