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一、前言以树脂为基体的纤维增强复合材料的动态模量与静态模量似有一定的差别,只有准确地测定复合材料的动态模量,才能保证复合材料结构的动力分析有更高的精度。因此,如何测定 I. Introduction There are some differences between the dynamic modulus and the static modulus of resin-based fiber-reinforced composites. Only by accurately measuring the dynamic modulus of the composite material can the dynamic analysis of the composite structure be ensured with higher accuracy . Therefore, how to measure
<正>In this paper,the isotropic charged harmonic oscillator in uniform magnetic field is researched in the non-commutative phase space;the corresponding exact e
<正>The results of a study of event tagging strategies for elementary physics processes in theτ-charm region are presented.The algorithm for online event filte
<正>The littlest Higgs model with T-parity predicts the existence of the neutral,weakly interacting,new gauge boson BH,which can be seen as an attractive dark m
<正>It is shown that SU(2)QCD admits an dual Abelian-Higgs phase,with a Higgs vacuum of a type-Ⅱsuperconductor.This is done by using a connection decomposition
The next generation,superconducting ECR ion source VENUS(Versatile ECR ion source for NUclear Science) has operated with 28GHz since 2004,and has produced world r
在用HYPERBALL进行的 16ΛO的γ射线谱学测量中,观察到由 16ΛO的6.6MeV 1-2激发态跃迁到基态自旋翻转二重态(1-1和0-)之间的两条γ射线.由这两条γ射线的能量差得到基态二重
9月18日 晴  夏日的夜晚,不像白天一样的烈日炎炎,太阳高照。夜晚的它显得更加宁静祥和。夜晚的天空繁星点点,像是无数个闪光点,一眨一眨,恰似一双双明亮的眼睛。  雨来得突然,夜晚的夏日好似被蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。风,跟着一缕缕轻盈的云雾,带着一阵阵清凉的雨丝。它的声音,从很远的林里传来,从很高的山崖上传来,“呼呼呼……”  粗狂的声音在夜空中徘徊。在风声中,每一块岩石、每一片树叶、每一丛绿草,都