存活胎儿于出生后即建立经鼻腔的呼吸,但经口腔的呼吸多需经一定生长发育时期后方可完全建立。本文就婴儿口呼吸完全建立时相的临床观察结果,报告如下。 资料与结果 一、对象与方法 1994年5月初至1994年9月底期间.以门诊8个月以内的婴儿为对象,从足月顺产,平索健康,现~般状况较好者中,随机选取183名婴儿.其中男婴68名,女婴85名。方法:在体检时用手指塞闭婴儿鼻孔,若婴儿顺利出现口呼吸.且能维持30秒钟者即判为能口呼吸;若在10秒钟内出现烦躁、哭闹、呼吸困难者则判为不能口呼吸。然后测量其身长(精确至1cm)、体重(精确至100g):并记录其日龄。其中又对21例初次检查不能口呼吸者,追踪观察至能口呼吸时,再予以记录。
Survival fetus after the birth of the nasal cavity to establish breathing, but the oral cavity of the respiratory and more after a certain period of growth and development before they can be completely established. In this paper, baby port breath completely established the clinical observation of phase, the report is as follows. DATA AND RESULTS A. Subjects and methods From early May 1994 to the end of September 1994, infants within 8 months of outpatient period were selected randomly from among those with full-term follow-up, healthy status, 183 babies, of whom 68 are male and 85 are female. Methods: During physical examination, the baby’s nostrils were closed with fingers, and if the baby appeared to breathe smoothly, and could maintain for 30 seconds, he was sentenced to breath. If irritation, crying and breathing difficulties were found within 10 seconds I can not breathe. Then measure its length (accurate to 1cm), weight (accurate to 100g): and record their age. Among them, 21 cases were not able to breathe in the mouth for the first time and were observed when they could breathe. Then they were recorded.