口咽念珠菌病是爱滋病(AIDS)患者最常见的霉菌感染,发病率为44.8%。口服酮康唑有效,但也有无效、复发及难以耐受者。Fluconazole(FCZ)是新的抗霉菌剂,药代动力学不同于酮康唑(Ketoconazole,KCZ)。为比较二者的临床效果,对一组AIDS及爱滋相关综合征(ARC,AIDS-related complex)患者,进行了随机、双盲的对照研究。 18名患者20次发病接受FCZ50mg,每日一次。19名患者20次发病接受KCZ200mg,每日一次。二组患者的性别、种族及治疗前的临床病情、实验室检查结果均相
Oropharyngeal candidiasis is the most common fungal infection in AIDS patients, with a prevalence of 44.8%. Oral ketoconazole effective, but there are invalid, recurrence and refractory. Fluconazole (FCZ) is a new antimycotic that differs in pharmacokinetics from Ketoconazole (KCZ). To compare the clinical outcomes of both, a randomized, double-blind, controlled study of a group of AIDS and AIDS-related complex patients was performed. Eighteen episodes of 18 patients received FCZ 50 mg once daily. Twenty-nine patients had 20 episodes of KCZ 200 mg once daily. The gender, race and pre-treatment clinical status of the two groups of patients, laboratory test results were homogeneous