以引进的9个荷兰水仙品种为试材,采用露地栽培的方法,研究了福州地区的气候环境对荷兰水仙栽培性状的影响,以期筛选出适应性较强的品种。结果表明:9个品种中,‘Las Vegas’出现了哑花现象,后期花蕾腐烂,其它品种均能正常开花;‘Avalanche’品种病虫害较多;‘Tahiti’‘Pink Charm’‘Geraniumm’与其它品种相比较具有观赏性强、抗性强以及花期较长等优点,适合推广种植。
Nine introduced Dutch narcissus cultivars were used as experimental materials to study the effects of climate and environment on the cultivation characteristics of Dutch narcissus in the open field in order to select suitable adaptable varieties. The results showed that: “Las Vegas” appeared the dull flower phenomenon in 9 varieties, the flower buds decayed in the late stage, and other varieties all flowed normally; the varieties of ’Avalanche’ had more pests and diseases; the ’Tahiti’Pink Charm’’Geraniumm’ Compared with the ornamental, resistant and long flowering and other advantages, suitable for promotion of planting.