为推进标准化考试,增加命题的客观性,提高工作效率,减轻教师负担,国防科技大学应用数学教研室研制成功了“高等数学试卷自动生成系统”。该系统含高等数学试题2142道,其中标准化试题(是非题、填空题、选择题) 1400道。已于1989年10月正式通过部委级鉴定。
In order to promote standardized tests, increase the objectivity of propositions, improve work efficiency and reduce the burden on teachers, the Department of Applied Mathematics of National University of Defense Technology has successfully developed the Automatic Generation System for Advanced Mathematics Papers. The system contains 2142 advanced mathematics exams, of which standardized test questions (non-questions, fill in the blank, multiple-choice questions) 1400. It was officially approved by ministerial level in October 1989.