著名作家、原山西省文联副主席、山西省作协副主席孙谦3月5日在太原因病不幸逝世,享年76岁。 孙谦1937年5月参加抗日工作。1939年加入中国共产党。以后,曾在延安鲁迅艺术学院附设的部队艺术干部训练班、部队艺术学校学习。1942年冬到晋绥抗日根据地,从事文艺工作,并开始创作。1947年,孙谦调东北电影制片厂当编剧。后调北京中央电影局艺委会,1956年并入北京电影制片厂编辑部,先后写出《农家乐》、《丰收》、《陕北牧歌》、《葡萄熟了的时候》等21部电影文学剧本和一批小说、散文作品。1957年,调回山西省文联作专业作
Famous writer, former vice chairman of Shanxi Province Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shanxi Province Vice Chairman Sun Qian March 5 in Taiyuan died of illness, at the age of 76. Sun Qian in May 1937 to participate in anti-Japanese work. In 1939 joined the Chinese Communist Party. Later, he studied military art training at the army art academy attached to the Lu Xun Art Institute in Yan’an. In the winter of 1942 to Jin Sui anti-Japanese base area, engaged in literary and art work, and began writing. In 1947, Sun Qian tone northeast movie studio as screenwriter. After the transfer of Beijing Central Film Board Arts Committee, incorporated in 1956, Beijing Film Studio editorial department, has written “farm music”, “Harvest”, “Northern Shaanxi pastoral”, “grapes ripe” 21 movies Literary script and a number of novels, prose works. In 1957, transferred back to Shanxi province for the professional work