永存性瞳孔膜为先天晶体囊前部属中胚叶组織之血管膜残留所形成之发育异常、为虹膜先天異常病中之較少見者,特別是全部永存性瞳孔膜。就作者所知之国內文献中报告全部永存性瞳孔膜者仅张峨氏一例,并作手术治疗,其他作者均为部分性者。笔者于最近門診工作中遇見一例,因其少見,將报告于下,以供同道参考,并求指正。病例报告: 高××,女,19岁,学生,未婚,門診号:50493。
Persistence of the pupillary membrane for the congenital cystic mesoderm belongs to the vascular membrane residual mesoderm of the formation of the developmental abnormalities for the iris congenital abnormalities in the less common, especially all the persistent pupil membrane. To the author’s knowledge of the domestic literature, all patients with persistent peritoneal membrane were reported as only Zhang’s case, and were surgically treated. Other authors were all partial. I met in the recent out-patient work of an example, because of its rare, will be reported in the next, for fellow reference and seek correction. Case Report: High × ×, Female, 19 years old, Student, Unmarried, Out-patient number: 50493.