NBA是全球商业化最好的联盟,正所谓无奸不商,这里虽然不一定充斥着尔虞我诈。但每支球队从来不会轻易的亮出自己的底牌。龙其在球员交易方面,声东击西、欲盖弥彰的经典战例屡见不鲜,惊天动地的大转会往往在交易的最后时刻出现,当硝烟散去,水落石出之后再来看此前各队放出的烟雾弹别有一番味道。 在贝比,斯托克顿等人与母队纷纷续约,稳定联盟固有格局的同时,三桩大交易突然打破了前一段令人窒息的平静,本赛季所有的转会无外乎两个目的。一是压缩薪金空间,本赛季逃避奢侈税处罚。二是着手网罗明年合约将要到期的几位大牌自由人。从这两个角度出发,你可以轻松的笑看交易场上的忙碌,百发百中,万无一失。
NBA is the world’s best commercial alliance, is the so-called non-trader no business, although not necessarily filled with intrigues here. But each team will never easily show their own cards. Long its players in the trading area, the East against the West, want to hide some of the classic case of commonplace, earth-shattering big transfer often appear in the last minute of the transaction, when the smoke dispersed, come to a conclusion after the release of the smoke of each team did not have some flavor. In Babe, Stockton and others have renewed with the mother team to stabilize the Union’s inherent pattern at the same time, the three major transactions suddenly broke the previous period suffocating calm all the transfer this season, nothing less than two purpose. First, the compressed salary space, this season to evade the luxury tax penalties. The second is to start collecting several big-time free agents that will expire next year. From these two perspectives, you can easily laugh to see the marketplace busy, in every possible way, foolproof.