
来源 :航空制造技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjc_0758
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TC11钛合金在首次应用于某型飞机机轮刹车壳体时,由于对TC11的特性掌握不透,设计考虑不周,造成了使用过程中刹车壳体卡台断裂的故障。通过分析故障原因,制订了改进措施,经试验试飞验证,改进措施有效,为TC11在航空机轮上的推广应用积累了经验。 TC11 titanium alloy for the first time applied to a certain type of aircraft wheel brake shell, due to the characteristics of TC11 mastery, poor design considerations, resulting in the use of the brake case card breakage failure. By analyzing the cause of the malfunction, the improvement measures have been formulated. After the test flight test and verification, the improvement measures are effective, which has accumulated experience for the popularization and application of TC11 on aircraft wheels.
那些没资格与能力腐败的家庭,他们婚姻关系崩盘的头号杀手是婚外情,老夫此文仅仅是说那些有资格腐败的家庭。  婚外情的产生得依赖于一定的经济条件。那些相依为命才能养家糊口的平民百姓家庭,产生婚外情的可能性要比“土豪家庭”“贪官家庭”低得多。因为没心思、没精力、没资本的“三无男女”承担不起“家庭沉船”的成本。  有资格腐败的官员们容易在婚姻里有恃无恐。他们不害怕婚姻出问题,甚至巴不得家庭早日解体,然后好