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随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,体育公用设施和校园体育方面有了惊人的进步和前所未有的改善。全国有50%以上城市的大型体育场馆、大中院校、中小学体育场地都铺上塑胶面层,特别是经济发达地区和沿海城市已普遍使用。但西部和山区的教育、体育还处在一个相对落后的层面上,远不能与经济发达地区相比。有关人士预测,随着文教、体育体制改革的进一步深入和经济的进一步繁荣,体育设施和校园体育面貌还会有一个较大的进步。 With the development of the economy and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, there have been amazing advances and unprecedented improvements in sports utility facilities and campus sports. More than 50% of the country’s large sports stadiums, large and medium-sized colleges, and primary and secondary school sports venues are covered with plastic surfaces, especially in economically developed areas and coastal cities. However, the education and sports in the west and mountain areas are still at a relatively backward level, and they can’t be compared with economically developed areas. Relevant persons predict that with the deepening of cultural and educational, sports system reforms and further economic prosperity, sports facilities and campus sports will have a big progress.
2003 ̄2004年,全国化工合成氨设计技术中心站向全国各有关单位和个人发出“征集氮肥厂适用技术”的通知,得到了普遍响应和支持,先后收到了适用技术(产品)200多项(种)。2005年3
2003 ̄2004年,全国化工合成氨设计技术中心站向全国各有关单位和个人发出“征集氮肥厂适用技术”的通知,得到了普遍响应和支持,先后收到了适用技术(产品)200多项(种)。2005年3