在上海庆祝中国共产党成立80周年的文艺演出中,由我院创作、排演的大型史诗话剧《共和国不会忘记》,生动地展现了我国第一颗原子弹研制成功的动人场面,塑造了新中国一代科技人员为了国家利益“献了青春献终生,献了终生献子孙”的光辉形象。 七月初的首演受到了市委领导和社会各界人士的一致好评。市委副书记龚学平、市委宣传部部长殷一璀等领导和当年曾参加“两弹一星”研制的科技人员
In the Shanghai literary performance that celebrated the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the large-scale epic drama “The Republic Will Not Forget”, which was created and rehearsed by our college, vividly demonstrated the successful scene of our country’s successful development of the atomic bomb and shaped the new Chinese generation For the sake of their national interests, scientific and technological personnel “gave their youth life-long sacrifices and gave their glorious images for life and children.” The debut in early July by the municipal party committee leaders and people from all walks of life alike. Gong Xueping, deputy secretary of Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department Yin Yicui and other leaders and was involved in the “two bombs and one satellite” developed by scientific and technological personnel