随着农业联产承包责任制的实行,农村出现了一大批民代国储粮专业户和粮食专业户。粮食多了,怎样保管储藏?建平县粮食系统研制成功的地下粮仓,为农户长期储粮开避了新路。地下粮仓的建筑方法如下。 地点选择:建仓地点的好坏,直接影响粮仓的质量和使用效果。建仓地点一般选择地势平坦,土层深厚,土质有粘性、水位较高的地方,不宜在涝洼地、淤积土、砂石层地带建仓,以防倒塌。
With the implementation of the agricultural contract responsibility system, a large number of grain purchasing households and grain special households have emerged in the rural areas. More food, how to keep the storage? Jianping food system developed underground silo, long-term grain storage for farmers to avoid a new road. The construction method of underground granary is as follows. Location choice: Jiancang location is good or bad, a direct impact on the quality of silos and the use of results. Jiancang locations generally choose flat, deep soil, clay soil has a high water level, should not be in flood depression, silt soil, gravel layer Jiancang to prevent collapse.