新乡小包 2 3大白菜生长期短、冬性强、耐抽薹 ,春播面积正在逐渐扩大。但播种过早 ,易发生抽薹现象 ;播种太晚 ,病虫害严重 ,致使叶球生长不良 ,产量下降。为了筛选出新乡小包 2 3春季生产的最佳播期和最佳栽培方式 ,我们进行了试验。1 材料与方法试验在新乡市农科所试验地进
Xinxiang packet 2 3 cabbage growth period is short, strong winter, resistant to bolting, spring sowing area is gradually expanding. However, sowing too early, prone to bolting phenomenon; sowing too late, pests and diseases seriously, resulting in poor growth of leaf ball, yield decline. In order to screen out the best sowing dates and the best cultivation methods of Xinxiang pouch 23 spring production, we conducted the experiment. 1 Materials and Methods Experiment in Xinxiang City, agricultural experiment into