【摘要】 本文基于平均驻留时间方法以及余正李雅普诺夫泛函方法,研究具有执行器饱和的时滞切换正系统的有限时间镇定问题。首先,使用凸组合技术处理执行器饱和非线性问题,将饱和非线性控制器转化为一组凸包内的线性控制器组合;然后,构造多余正李雅普诺夫-克拉索夫斯基泛函,并结合平均驻留时间概念,最后,给出平均驻留时间切换律以及系统有限时间镇定控制器的设计方法。
【关键词】 时滞切换正系统 执行器饱和 有限时间控制 余正Lyapunov-krasovskii泛函 平均驻留时间
Abstract: In this paper, through multiple copositive Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and average dwell time methods, the finite-time stabilization for a class of switched positive systems with time-varying delays and actuator saturation under average dwell time switching is investigated. First, the convex hull technique is employed to deal with actuator saturation, and convert the saturated nonlinear controller into a set of linear controller combinations within the convex hull. Then, constructing the copositive Lyapunov-krasovskii functional, and combined with the concept of average dwell time, the average dwell time switching law and the design method of the controller are given.
Keywords:Time-delay switched positive system; Actuator saturation; Finite-time control; Copositive Lyapunov-krasovskii functional; Average dwell time
生活中,我们经常遇到生物种群数量、液体浓度、物体质量、水箱中液位的高度等[1-3]这样一类非负变量。只要初始状态和初始输入非负,那么系统的状态轨迹将始终保持在非负区域,我们把具有这种特性的系统称为正系统。 正系统在经济学、通信系统、生物学中应用广泛,由于正系统随处可见且具有较强的实际应用背景,近些年受到学者们广泛的关注。 线性切换正系统指的是从任意非负初始状态出发的状态轨迹在任意切换信号下都能保持在非负区域的一类切换系统。 切换正系统兼具正系统的非负特性和切换系统复杂的动力学行为特性。 在实际工程应用中,很多重要的系统都可以用切换正系统来描述,比如网络拥塞控制系统[4]、传染病控制系统[5]、编队飞行控制系统[6]等。对于带有执行器饱和的正切换系统的有限时间控制的探索仍处于起步阶段。 使用余正Lyapunov函数方法研究切换正系统时,控制器设计本身就是难点问题,再加上执行器饱和非线性环节,更使具有执行器饱和的切换正系统控制器设计难度加大。
本文研究执行器饱和情况下,时变时滞切换正系統有限时间镇定问题. 使用凸组合方法,将饱和非线性控制器转化为一组凸包内的线性控制器组合,以LMI形式获得切换系统有限时间稳定且仍为正系统的充分条件同时得到切换律和状态反馈控制器。
参 考 文 献
[1] Luenberger D G. Introduction to dynamic system:theory, modes, and applications [R]. New York Willey, 1979.
[2] Berman A, Neumann M, Stern R J, et al. Nonnegative matrices in dynamic systems [M]. Willy-Interscience, 1989.
[3] Jacquez J A, Simon C P. Qualitive theory of compartmental systems [J]. Siam Review, 1993, 35(l): 43-79.
[4] Shorten R N, Leith D J, Foy J, et al. Analysis and design of aimed congestion control algorithms in communication networks [J]. Automatics, 2005, 41(4): 725-730.
[5] Vargas E, Colaneri P, Middleton R, et al. Discrete-time control for switched positive systems with application to mitigating virtual escape [J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2011, 21 (10): 1093-1111.
[6] Jadbabaie A, Lin J, Morse A S. Coordination of groups of mobile autonomous agents using nearest neighbor rules [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 2003, 48(6): 988-1001.
[7] Hu T, Lin Z, Chen B. Analysis and design for discrete-time linear systems subject to actuator saturation, Syst. Control Lett., 2002, 45:97–112.
【关键词】 时滞切换正系统 执行器饱和 有限时间控制 余正Lyapunov-krasovskii泛函 平均驻留时间
Abstract: In this paper, through multiple copositive Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and average dwell time methods, the finite-time stabilization for a class of switched positive systems with time-varying delays and actuator saturation under average dwell time switching is investigated. First, the convex hull technique is employed to deal with actuator saturation, and convert the saturated nonlinear controller into a set of linear controller combinations within the convex hull. Then, constructing the copositive Lyapunov-krasovskii functional, and combined with the concept of average dwell time, the average dwell time switching law and the design method of the controller are given.
Keywords:Time-delay switched positive system; Actuator saturation; Finite-time control; Copositive Lyapunov-krasovskii functional; Average dwell time
生活中,我们经常遇到生物种群数量、液体浓度、物体质量、水箱中液位的高度等[1-3]这样一类非负变量。只要初始状态和初始输入非负,那么系统的状态轨迹将始终保持在非负区域,我们把具有这种特性的系统称为正系统。 正系统在经济学、通信系统、生物学中应用广泛,由于正系统随处可见且具有较强的实际应用背景,近些年受到学者们广泛的关注。 线性切换正系统指的是从任意非负初始状态出发的状态轨迹在任意切换信号下都能保持在非负区域的一类切换系统。 切换正系统兼具正系统的非负特性和切换系统复杂的动力学行为特性。 在实际工程应用中,很多重要的系统都可以用切换正系统来描述,比如网络拥塞控制系统[4]、传染病控制系统[5]、编队飞行控制系统[6]等。对于带有执行器饱和的正切换系统的有限时间控制的探索仍处于起步阶段。 使用余正Lyapunov函数方法研究切换正系统时,控制器设计本身就是难点问题,再加上执行器饱和非线性环节,更使具有执行器饱和的切换正系统控制器设计难度加大。
本文研究执行器饱和情况下,时变时滞切换正系統有限时间镇定问题. 使用凸组合方法,将饱和非线性控制器转化为一组凸包内的线性控制器组合,以LMI形式获得切换系统有限时间稳定且仍为正系统的充分条件同时得到切换律和状态反馈控制器。
参 考 文 献
[1] Luenberger D G. Introduction to dynamic system:theory, modes, and applications [R]. New York Willey, 1979.
[2] Berman A, Neumann M, Stern R J, et al. Nonnegative matrices in dynamic systems [M]. Willy-Interscience, 1989.
[3] Jacquez J A, Simon C P. Qualitive theory of compartmental systems [J]. Siam Review, 1993, 35(l): 43-79.
[4] Shorten R N, Leith D J, Foy J, et al. Analysis and design of aimed congestion control algorithms in communication networks [J]. Automatics, 2005, 41(4): 725-730.
[5] Vargas E, Colaneri P, Middleton R, et al. Discrete-time control for switched positive systems with application to mitigating virtual escape [J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2011, 21 (10): 1093-1111.
[6] Jadbabaie A, Lin J, Morse A S. Coordination of groups of mobile autonomous agents using nearest neighbor rules [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 2003, 48(6): 988-1001.
[7] Hu T, Lin Z, Chen B. Analysis and design for discrete-time linear systems subject to actuator saturation, Syst. Control Lett., 2002, 45:97–112.