康定县位于四川省西部,甘孜藏族自治州东部,幅员1.16万平方公里,辖3镇19个乡,总人口10余万,是一个以藏民族为主,有藏、汉、回、彝、羌等多民族的聚居县。县城距四川省会成都市340公里,有4条国道、省道公路贯穿全境,县内乡、镇交通公路畅通。邮电通讯和电力条件优越,光缆通讯与4000门程控电话已经开通。 康定历史悠久。康定,古为羌地。蜀汉称“打箭炉”,唐宋属土蕃,元明置宣抚(慰)司,清设“打箭炉厅”、康定府。1939年建西康省,设省会于康定。1950年为西康省藏族自治区首府,1955年撤省更名,划归四川省,隶属甘孜藏族自治州至今,为州委、州政府驻地。素以“藏卫通衢”、“川藏要冲”著称,历史上就是
Kangding County is located in the western part of Sichuan Province and the eastern part of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. It covers an area of 11,600 square kilometers and has 3 townships and 19 townships and a total population of more than 100,000. It is a Tibetan nationality with Han, Hui, Yi and Qiang Multi-ethnic settlements. The county seat is 340 kilometers away from Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. There are 4 national highways. Provincial highway runs through the whole territory. The township and town traffic roads in the county are unblocked. Posts and telecommunications and superior power conditions, optical fiber communication and 4000 program-controlled telephone has been opened. Kangding has a long history. Kangding, ancient Qiangdi. Shu Han called “hit Arrow Furnace”, Tang and Song are Tufan, Yuan Ming set Xuan Fu (comfort) Secretary, Qing Dynasty “hit arrow furnace hall,” Kangding House. Built in 1939 Kham, the provincial capital set Kangding. 1950 as the capital of Xikang Tibetan Autonomous Region, 1955 withdrawal of the name of the province, transferred to Sichuan Province, under the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Garze since the state government resident. Primely known as “Hutchison thoroughfare”, “Sichuan-Tibet impulse” is known, in history