金融危机发生到现在已经有一年,艺术品拍卖市场经历了一次相对寒冷的“秋拍随即又迎来一个有些温暖的”小阳春“。艺术品拍卖市场为什么会在这么短时间出现内如此明显的回暖? 这一年来艺术品拍卖公司究竟受到那些影响,又有哪些措施应对? 金融危机影响下,我们的艺术品拍卖市场产生了怎样的改变? 市场上的买家发生了什么新的变化? 这次的市场调整和过去艺术市场经历的调整有什么异同? 艺术品拍卖市场下一步的发展会是怎样? 带着这些问题,我们采访了业内有代表性的几家拍卖公司的老总和长期关注、研究艺术品市场的专家,以期能有一个相对全面的答案呈现给读者。
The financial crisis has been around for a year now, and the art auction market has experienced a relatively cold ”Autumn Auction“, then usher in a somewhat warm ”Little Spring." Why is the art auction market so appearing within such a short time? Obviously pick up? This year, art auction company what exactly those effects, what measures to deal with? The financial crisis, our art auction market, what changes have taken place in the market, what changes have taken place in the buyer What are the similarities and differences between the current market adjustment and the adjustment of the art market in the past? What is the next development of the art auction market? With these questions, we interviewed the executives of the representative auction houses in the industry and the long- Concerned, research the art market experts, in order to have a relatively comprehensive answer presented to the reader.