医疗器械广告审查指南[编者按]:为认真贯彻和执行中华人民共和国广告法,搞好医疗器械的广告工作,方便本刊广大客户(广告主)了解申办医械广告的有关手续,现将国家医药管理局医疗器械行政监督司编发的《医疗器械新产品注册和广告审查指南》的有关内容介绍如下: 为...
Medical Device Advertising Review Guidelines [Editor’s note]: In order to conscientiously implement and implement the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China and do a good job in the advertising of medical devices, it is convenient for our customers (advertisers) to understand the relevant procedures for bidding medical advertisements. The relevant contents of the “Guidelines for the Registration of New Medical Device Products and Guidelines for the Examination of Advertisements” issued by the Medical Device Administrative Supervision Department of the Pharmaceutical Administration are as follows: