
来源 :中国行政管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mxhdb
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【本刊讯】日前,由北京大学讲席教授、政府管理学院院长、中国政治学研究中心主任俞可平和中国行政管理学会执行副会长兼绩效管理研究会会长高小平分别作序,杭州市考评办(绩效办)主任伍彬编著的《政府绩效管理——理论与实践的双重变奏》一书由北京大学出版社出版发行。作为国内首部理论与实践紧密结合、系统完整地论述政府绩效管理的专著,该书提出了政府绩效管理“双重价值”(工具价值和理念价值)理论。以杭州实践为样本,提炼架构了政府绩效管理全过程管理的五大环节,对每个环节附有大量图表、样式,具有很强的实操性,堪称一本标准的政府绩效管理教科书,为研究地 Recently, Yu Keping, chair professor of Peking University, dean of the School of Government Management and director of the China Political Science Research Center, and Gao Xiaoping, executive vice chairman and president of the Performance Management Research Institute of the China Administration Institute, City Performance Evaluation Office (Performance Office) Director Wu Bin, edited by the “performance management of government - a double variation of theory and practice” book published by Peking University Press. As the first domestic theory and practice of close integration, a systematic and complete discussion of the government performance management monograph, the book proposed the government performance management “dual value ” (instrumental value and concept value) theory. Hangzhou practice as a sample, refining the structure of the whole process of government performance management of the five major links, attached to each link a large number of charts and styles, with strong practicality, called a standard government performance management textbooks for Research area