
来源 :探矿工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arthur2020
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我队在东河煤田赵家湾地区进行煤田钻探,岩层稳定煤质好,煤埋藏在450米以下,平均钻孔深度为580米左右,因此煤田钻探水文工作很重要,但分层测定静止水位,费时间,且麻烦。已施工的17个钻孔,就有四个静止水位观测孔,当时用常规止水方法,用海带、黄泥、石灰等自沉封闭,结果在三个孔止水都告失败,损失667小时。于是在此基础上研制了“推压式止水器”,结构简单,加工容易,操作方便,经济、安全,效果好,适用于中深钻孔同径止水。 Our team conducts coalfield drilling in the area of ​​Zhaojiawan, Donghe Coalfield. The stable rock quality is good. The coal is buried below 450 meters and the average drilling depth is about 580 meters. Therefore, it is very important for the coalfield to drill for hydrology, but stratified determination of still water level , Take time and trouble. There are 17 holes drilled, there are four still water observation hole, when the conventional method of sealing, with seaweed, yellow mud, lime and other self-Shen closed, resulting in three holes all failed, loss of 667 hours. So on this basis, developed a “push-stop”, simple structure, easy processing, easy operation, economy, safety, good effect, suitable for drilling with the same diameter sealing.