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素有“榨菜之乡”美称的涪陵市,出产传统名腌菜“涪陵榨菜”,已有百年历史,产品享誉海内外。重庆市政府将榨菜列为十二大支柱产业重点项目之一,涪陵榨菜集团有限公司亦被定为实施榨菜产业化的龙头企业,走出了一条农工贸一体化的产业发展之路。涪陵榨菜集团作为全国最大的榨菜生产基地,下属22个榨菜厂,年产量达5万吨。多年来,榨菜企业与长江沿线种植30多万亩青菜头的百万农民拧成一股绳,优势互补,互惠互利,使农民每年增收上亿元,集团实现利税1000多万元。“乌江牌”榨菜被评为国家级名优产品,畅销全国各地。 The city of Liling, known as the home of mustard mustard, has produced a traditional pickled dish called “Fuling mustard,” which has a history of more than 100 years. Its products enjoy a good reputation at home and abroad. The Chongqing municipal government listed mustard as one of the twelve pillar industries. Fuling Mustard Group Co., Ltd. was also designated as the leading enterprise in the industrialization of mustard picking, and developed a road to the integration of agriculture, industry and trade. Fuling mustard group as the country’s largest mustard production base, under the 22 mustard plant, the annual output reached 50,000 tons. Over the years, mustard companies have been twisting into a rope with more than 300,000 mu of green heads planted along the Yangtze River, complementing each other’s advantages and benefiting each other, allowing farmers to increase their income by more than 100 million yuan each year, and the group has realized profits and taxes of more than 10 million yuan. “Wujiang Brand” mustard was rated as a national famous brand and sold well throughout the country.