看万家灯火 风景此刻独好——家用电脑技术趋势综述及购买指南

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从神秘的实验室到繁忙的办公桌,再融入寻常巷陌的万家灯火,电脑在诞生后的短短50余载中,已经真正实现了对人类社会各个层面的全面渗透。在蕴藏着巨大潜力的中国市场,从1993年至1997年,家用电脑一直保持着50%以上的年增长率,除1996年外,家用电脑的增长率都远远高于商用电脑。1997年中国家用电脑的销量为65万台,比上年增长了91.2%,已占到年微机总销量的18.6%,这些数据充分证明了中国家用电脑市场旺盛的生命力。在市场日益繁荣的同时,我们也清醒地看到,与商用市场相比,中国家用电脑的用户还很不成熟,多数家庭在电脑的基本常识、对家用电脑用途的了解以及选购家用电脑的技巧方面都很薄弱,同时,面对众厂商纷杂的品牌,广大家庭购机者难免会身陷“乱花渐欲迷人眼”的尴尬境地。购买电脑对于经济承受能力有限的中国家庭而言,是件一念万金的大事,需要三思而后行。为了帮助用户购买到称心如意的家用电脑产品,本文就家用电脑的概念、特点、购买策略和流行品牌等几个方面进行了介绍,以期对家庭购机者有所启迪。 From mysterious laboratories to busy desks, and then into the ordinary lights of thousands of lights, the computer was born in just over 50 years, has truly realized the full penetration of human society at all levels. In the huge potential market in China, home computers have maintained an annual growth rate of over 50% from 1993 to 1997. Except for 1996, the growth rate of home computers is much higher than that of commercial computers. In 1997, China sold 650,000 sets of home computers, an increase of 91.2% over the previous year and accounting for 18.6% of the total computer sales of the year, which fully proved the vitality of the Chinese home computer market. While the market is booming, we are also soberly aware that compared with the commercial market, the users of home computers in China are still immature. The basic knowledge of most computers in the home, the understanding of home computers and the purchase of home computers At the same time, in the face of the complicated brands of all manufacturers, the vast majority of home purchasers will inevitably find themselves in the awkward position of being “indiscreet and charming”. Buying computers is a memorable event for Chinese families with limited affordability. Think twice. In order to help users to buy desirable home computer products, this article introduces the concepts, features, purchasing strategies and popular brands of home computers in order to give some inspiration to home purchasers.
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