登封铁路分二期建设,规划全长约120 km,总投资12亿元人民币。一期工程临(汝镇)—白(坪)全长61.447 km,总投资6.45亿元,目前已建成运营。二期工程铝(庄)—禹(州)全长44.279 km,总投资37 497万元,初步设计已通过河南省计委的批复,即将开工建设。二期工程的建设,将使河南省平禹、
Dengfeng Railway is divided into two phases with a planned total length of 120 km and a total investment of 1.2 billion yuan. The first phase project (Ru town) - Bai (Ping) length of 61.447 km, with a total investment of 645 million yuan, has been completed and operated. The second phase project of aluminum (Zhuang) - Yu (state) length of 44.279 km, with a total investment of 37.497 million yuan, the preliminary design has been approved by the Planning Commission of Henan Province, is about to start construction. The construction of the second phase will make Ping Yu, Henan Province,