眼下,无论是在城市还是农村,人们议论得最多的话题之一,恐怕就是“病不起”和“高药价”问题。 在一些报章上,我们经常读到某少年儿童,因患重病家长无力支付高额医药费,而不得不求助于社会各界支持、资助的报道。说实在的,每当读完了这些报道,我们都禁不住伤心落泪,深表同情。然而,冷静下来之后,又不得不大声发问,“热点”问题为什么“热”不起来?
Right now, one of the most talked-about topics in urban and rural areas is probably the “ill” and “high drug prices.” In some newspapers, we often read reports that some children and adolescents are unable to pay high medical fees because of severely ill parents and have to resort to reports supported and funded by various sectors of the community. To be honest, whenever we finish reading these reports, we can not help crying and expressing sympathy. However, after calm down, have to ask loudly, “hot” problem why “hot” can not?