宁夏青年画家刘朝晖油画展于1992年9月1日至10日在劳动人民文化宫举办。他是宁夏第一位进京举办个人画展的画家,共展出了38幅油画作品。画作中浓厚的黄土高原乡土气息给观众留下了深刻印象。 31岁的刘朝晖毕业于寄存美术专科学院,
The oil painter Liu Zhaohui, a young painter in Ningxia, was held in the Labor Palace of the People from 1 to 10 September 1992. He was the first painter in Ningxia to hold a solo exhibition in Beijing and exhibited a total of 38 paintings. The deep rustic flavor of the Loess Plateau left a deep impression on the audience. 31-year-old Liu Zhaohui graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts,