1985年版《浙江省中药炮制规范》(以下简称《规范》)载:“冬葵子,别名苘麻子,来源为锦葵科植物苘麻Abutilon theophrastii Medic.的干燥成熟种子。功用:利水通淋,通乳润肠,用于便秘,小便不利,淋病,水肿,乳闭肿胀。”此与目前全国性中药文献如《中药大辞典》记载均有不同。这些文献对冬葵子来源均定为锦葵科植物冬葵Malva verticillata L的种子。现将考证情况介绍如下:苘麻子始载于《唐本草》其子名为苘实,苏恭曰~([2]):“苘麻实味苦平,无毒,主亦白
1985 edition of the ”Zhejiang Province, Chinese medicine processing norms“ (hereinafter referred to as ”norms“) contains: ”winter sunflower, alias emu seeds, the source is malvaceae Abutilon theophrastii Medic. Dry mature seeds. , Through the milk Runchang, for constipation, urinary disadvantage, gonorrhea, edema, milk closed swelling. “This and the current Chinese medicine literature such as” Chinese Dictionary “are different. These references are based on the source of Malvaceae Malva verticillata Malvaceae L as the seed. Now research textual introduction is as follows: 苘 pockmarked in ”Tang Materia Medica“ its name is 苘 real, Su Christine said ~ ([2]): ”苘 Ma bitter taste, non-toxic, the main white