麝香、牛黄、蛤蚧均为名贵中药,前二者是中医用以开窍醒神,豁痰解毒的重要药物;蛤蚧具有补肺益肾、纳气定喘的功效。但因货源紧张,供不应求且价格昂贵,致使掺假作伪现象常有出现。为了保证中药质量和中医临床疗效,笔者就上药真伪问题访问了一些中药老前辈,查阅了有关文献,并进行了实验,现总结报道如下: 一、麝香麝香为鹿科动物林麝Moschusberezovskii F lerov.马麝M.sifanicus Prezewalski、原麝M.moschiferusL。成熟雄兽香囊中的干燥分泌物。商品上对猎获后割取整个香囊阴干者,习称“毛壳麝香”(又称毛麝香、个麝香、整香)。香囊阴干后去壳即得麝香仁(又称净麝
Musk, bezoar, and wolfberry are valuable Chinese medicines. The former two are important medicines used by traditional Chinese medicine to rejuvenate and rejuvenate detoxification. However, because of the shortage of supply, the supply is in short supply and the price is high. As a result, adulterated products often appear. In order to ensure the quality of traditional Chinese medicine and the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, the author interviewed some old Chinese herbalists on the issue of authenticity of the drug, reviewed the relevant literature, and conducted experiments. The report is summarized as follows: 1. The musk musk deer family is Moschus berezovskii F. Lerov. M麝sifanicus Prezewalski, original M. moschiferus L. Dry secretions in mature sacs’ sachets. On the merchandise, after harvesting the entire dried sachets of the sachets, they are referred to as “hairy musk” (also known as fur musk, a musk, and whole scent). After sachets are dried and then shelled, they are harvested and roasted.