“炫耀财富,以显示身份高贵”。这是中国富 人群中一种相当典型的心态。 中国的富人大多底气不足,发家史不透明, 查一查祖宗三代,既找不到与封建经济浴血奋战 的光荣传统,又不曾为国家工业化立过赫赫战 功,也没有在改革开放中创造骄人奇迹。 综上所述,虽然这些人的金柜里塞满了人民 币、美钞、欧元,但终因致富的历程扑朔迷离,原 始积累的手段令人猜度,致使他们在大庭广众之 中,腰杆子甚是不硬,也很少受到正直人的敬重, 甚至反遭冷眼。
“Show off wealth to show noble status.” This is a rather typical mentality among the rich people in China. Most of China’s wealthy people have not got enough strength and opulence in their family history. Having checked the ancestors’ three generations, they can neither find a glorious tradition of bloody battles with the feudal economy nor establish illustrious military exploits for the country’s industrialization nor create remarkable achievements in reform and opening up miracle. To sum up, although these people’s gold cabinets are stuffed with Renminbi, U.S. dollar bills and the euro, the final result of the process of getting rich is complicated and confusing. As a result, they are widely acclaimed and their waist and pole are very hard , But also rarely by the respect of honest people, and even counter-coldest.