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本文基于196家企业调查的样本数据,采用多元回归分析方法 ,探讨了品牌导向对企业绩效的影响机制,分析了企业创新能力的中介作用和社会环境信任度的调节效应。研究结果显示:品牌导向对企业绩效和企业创新能力均具有显著正向关系,企业创新能力在品牌导向对企业绩效的影响路径中起中介作用;社会环境信任度正向调节品牌导向与企业绩效之间的关系,且以企业创新能力为完全中介。本文不仅丰富了组织理论的情景因素研究,同时,研究结论也对企业的有效管理实践和健康发展具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。 Based on the sample data from 196 enterprises surveyed, this paper uses the multiple regression analysis method to explore the impact mechanism of brand orientation on business performance, and analyzes the intermediary role of enterprise innovation ability and the regulatory effect of social environment trust. The results show that brand orientation has a significant positive relationship with firm performance and firm innovation ability, and firm innovation ability plays an intermediary role in the path that brand orientation affects firm performance. Social environment trust positively adjusts brand orientation and firm performance The relationship between the enterprise innovation ability as a complete intermediary. This paper not only enriches the research of situational factors of organizational theory, but also has certain reference and reference for the effective management practice and healthy development of enterprises.
目的:在对2010版《中华人民共和国药典》(Chinese Pharmacopoeia,简称Ch.P.2010)、2010版《药品生产质量管理规范》(Good Manufacture Practice,简称GMP)及其附录的研究和对
在网络社交平台上,UGC(user-generated content,用户生成内容)视频的制作是市民主动参与城市形象塑造的一种文化实践。与官方和商业制作的城市形象宣传片相比,市民的影像生产
645150四川省高县中医院    心脏为血液循环的总枢纽和动力器官,同全身各脏器在机能上均有密切联系。心衰除影响心脏本身外,多直接或间接影响到呼吸系、消化系脏器,因而可出现这些系统的症状。当这些系统的症状表现得很突出时,常常会干扰对心脏疾病本身的识别,尤其左心衰以肺瘀血表现为主,早期临床体征较隐匿,不典型,不具特征性,稍有疏忽,易误诊为“支气管炎”、“支气管哮喘”、“肺部感染”,轻者延误诊断