自1974年世界卫生组织实施扩大免疫规划以来,我国即开始计划免疫工作的贯彻与实施。在各级政府领导下,在全国范围内,进行了轰轰烈烈的大动员大宣传。1988年我国儿童四苗接种率上升到了95%,脊髓灰质炎发病率降到历史最低水平,接近达到消灭的目标,取得令人瞩目的成绩。自1989年我国实现第一个85%目标到1991年,全国各地仍有脊灰发生,而脊灰病例又绝大部分集中在农村,农村消灭脊灰是我国控制与消灭脊灰的关键。农村发生脊灰暴发其原因是多方面的,现分析如下: 一、原因分析 1.农村三级卫生防疫网的涣散,是目前开展计划
Since the World Health Organization implemented the Expanded Immunization Program in 1974, our country has begun to plan the implementation and implementation of the immunization work. Under the leadership of the governments at all levels, vigorous and vigorous mobilization campaigns were conducted nationwide. In 1988, the rate of immunization for four children in China rose to 95%, and the incidence of polio fell to the lowest level in history, reaching the target of elimination and achieving remarkable results. Since China achieved its first 85% target in 1989 and 1991, polio has still occurred in all parts of the country. The vast majority of polio cases are concentrated in rural areas. The elimination of polio in rural areas is the key to the control and elimination of polio in China. There are many reasons for outbreaks of polio in rural areas. The analysis is as follows: I. Analysis of the causes 1. The dispersal of the rural three-tiered health and epidemic prevention network is currently underway.