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关于承包制的是非一直众说纷纭,但随着企业承包的普遍实行,这种制度的缺陷日趋明显却是不容置疑的。现在,应是冷静地反思承包制的时候了。众所周知,党的十一届三中全会后,我国农村率先走出了一条承包之路。“一包就灵,一包就活”的实践启迪了正在摸索之中的城市经济体制改革。于是,商业系统及部分工业企业开始进行承包、租赁试点,并很快就取得了一定成效。1987年起全国普遍实行了企业承包制。正当人们翘首以待“包”字出奇迹时,得到的反馈信息却是“包字虽进城,效果并不灵”。承包制不仅没有解决党政不分、政企不分等问题,反而使政企不分、企业行为短期化等现象更加严重;不仅没有提高职工的主人翁地位,反而弱化了民主管理、削弱了党组织在企业中的 There is a lot of confusion about the contract system, but with the general implementation of contracting companies, the defects of this system are becoming increasingly evident. Now, it is time to calmly reflect on the contract system. As we all know, after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, China’s rural areas took the lead in embarking on a contracting road. The practice of “a pack is alive and a bag is live” has inspired the reform of the urban economic system that is being explored. As a result, the commercial system and some industrial enterprises started trials for contracting and leasing, and they soon achieved certain results. Since 1987, the country has generally implemented the enterprise contracting system. When people are waiting for the miraculous “packet” word, the feedback they get is “there is not a good effect even if the word is included in the city.” The contracting system not only failed to solve the problems of non-division of the party and the government, the separation of government and enterprises, but also made the phenomenon of non-division of government and enterprises and the short-term behavior of enterprises become more serious; not only did not improve the status of the employees, but weakened democratic management and weakened the party. Organization in the enterprise
很多人都读过克雷洛夫的寓言《杰米扬的汤》:杰米扬的鱼汤确实非常美味,但却把他的朋友福卡吓跑了,从此再不敢去找杰米扬了。原因是杰米扬认为自己的 Many people have read
1转型升级为什么江浙地区生产价值1美元的芭比娃娃,在美国沃尔玛售价为9.99美元?为什么一点点的人民币升值,就足以击垮沿海地区一大片加工 1 Transformation and upgrading
随着军事科学技术的发展,对新兵素质也提出了更高的要求。由于战区部队受各种影响较大,故我们于1990年4月对战区某部及驻内地某部的新兵进行了智力调查,现将结果报告如下: (