In the practice of clinical acupuncture, we use the paraplegia paraplegia (with the nerve electroacupuncture) on the shallow tissue especially the skin has a more satisfactory analgesic effect and concluded that the optimal stimulation frequency of 100HZ, the optimal stimulus intensity is the largest Withstand strength. In the application of this optimal stimulus parameters to study its analgesic principle, we observed numbness-like acupuncture on the skin of a certain area on the nerve endings side of the acupuncture area due to stimulation by double-needle incision in the human body, and decreased pain relief , The sensation of sensation of touch and discrimination was dull and the sensation of temperature was almost unchanged. At the same time, the analgesic effect of double needle was not changed by the drugs that affect the pre-synaptic and post-synaptic inhibitory processes in animal experiments. Therefore, we envision a double needle next to the incision