60年一甲子,60年一个轮回,攀登到世界先进行列的中国铁路,站在新的历史起点上,正向着更高的目标迈进 1978年秋天,当改革开放的总设计师邓小平在国外考察高速铁路时,感慨地说:“像风一样快,我们现在很需要跑!”这是一代伟人对铁路加速发展的期盼,更是对国家腾飞的期盼。而2008年,京津城际铁路时速350公里的“和谐号”动车组跑出了令世界惊叹的“中国速度”……新中国成立之初,能够维持通车的铁
60 years of Yijiazi, 60 years of a reincarnation, climbing to the advanced ranks of the Chinese railway, standing on a new historical starting point, moving toward a higher goal In the autumn of 1978, when Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of the reform and opening up, inspected the high-speed Railway, said with emotion: “It is as fast as the wind, we now need to run! ” This is the generation of great expectations of the accelerated development of the railway, it is the national take-off look forward. In 2008, the “Harmony No.” EMU running 350 kilometers per hour at the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway ran out of “China’s Speed” that exclaimed the world ... At the beginning of the founding of New China, the iron