公元1989年4月至6月,在中华人民共和国的土地上,发生了一场以学潮为起端,进而演变成动乱以至首都反革命暴乱的政治斗争。这是惊心动魄的两个月。这是事关祖国与民族生死存亡的两个月。我们的共和国经受了血与火的考验。现在暴乱已经平息,一切又恢复了宁静。但是痛定思痛,在大灾之后进行深刻的反思则又是不平静的。为什么这场风波迟早要来?为什么会有这么多青年学生卷入进去?怎样才能防止动乱的再发生? ……党和政府在深刻地思考,我们的共和国和人民
From April to June 1989, on the land of the People’s Republic of China, a political struggle started from the tide of learning and then evolved into turmoil and even the counterrevolutionary riots in the capital. This is a thrilling two months. This is a matter of two months of life and death of the motherland and nation. Our republic has withstood the test of blood and fire. Now that the riots have subsided, everything has returned to peace. However, it is not uncomfortable to think deeply about it and conduct deep reflection after the disaster. Why is the storm coming sooner or later? Why are so many young students involved? How can we prevent the recurrence of turmoil? ... The party and the government are thinking deeply about our republics and peoples