In recent years, the siltation of the channel in Ningxia-Inner Mongolia section of the upper reaches of the Yellow River has become more and more serious. Identifying the source of coarse sediment has become the prerequisite for the development and management of this section. Heavy mineral abrasion resistance, strong stability, can retain more of its parent rock characteristics, it is often used for source tracking analysis. The characteristics of coarse sediment heavy minerals in 27 samples of Ningmeng reach of the Yellow River are analyzed. It is shown that the coarse sediment heavy minerals in the reach of the river are unstable hornblende, stable emeraldite, Mine mainly stable minerals except corundum, ilmenite, zircon, rutile, pyrite, tourmaline content is minimal. The results of the stability coefficient method show that the stability coefficient is the lowest between the Ulan Buh desert and the Ulan Buh Desert and the ten major Konghe rivals, which is close to 0, indicating that the coarse sediment in the three areas of the river originates from Sand source near the different forms of import. The ZTR index in this study area is extremely low, with an average of only 0.0071, indicating that the sediment heavy minerals in the Ningxia-Mongolia section of the Yellow River are low in maturity. The silt sediment has not been transported and accumulated for long distances but imported from local sand sources. Correlation coefficient method gives three different types of mineral assemblages, indicating different types of parent rock and source environment.