2月 1 1日美国东部时间 1 2 :4 3 ,美国奋进号航天飞机从卡纳维拉尔角的肯尼迪航天发射中心升空 ,开始执行耽搁已久的绘制地球表面三维立体地图 (SRTM)的飞行任务。奋进号航天飞机上共有 6位航天员 ,其中有日本和欧空局 (ESA)各 1名航天员以及美国 4名航天员。此行的使命是要接
February 1 1 EDT 1: 4 3 3. As the Space Shuttle Endeavor was launched from the Kennedy Space Launch Center in Cape Canaveral, the long-delayed three-dimensional map of the Earth’s surface (SRTM) Flight mission. There are 6 astronauts on Endeavor, including 1 astronaut from Japan and ESA and 4 astronauts from the United States. The mission of this trip is to pick up