In 2015, the output of sugar in China dropped sharply as compared with that of the same period of last year, the area under cultivation in the main producing areas decreased significantly, the sales volume of sugar dropped remarkably, and the sales and production rate slightly increased. The import of imported sugar was 4.85 million tons, An increase of 38.96%; under the influence of El Niño climate, the expected decrease of domestic sugar production and the increase of rigid cost will support the upward swing of domestic sugar price. Looking forward, in the short term, the global sugar market is expected to turn into a shortage of supply. However, the huge carry-over stocks will still weigh domestic and international sugar prices and the international sugar market will become scarce in the 2015/16 and 2016/17 crops. 2015 / 16 crop season domestic sugar to further cut sugar industry into the inventory stage, the long term sugar prices will likely rise shocks, the need to focus on China’s sugar policy, India and Thailand, the main sugar producing countries, the weather changes, the Brazilian sugar alcohol policy , Commodity movements, changes in exchange rates and macroeconomic dynamics.