宣科,何许人也?神秘的纳西古乐又是怎么样的音乐?带着这样的疑问,记者采访了9月中旬在北京21世纪剧院演出的宣科老人。 宣科是藏裔纳西族人,他极富传奇色彩。1958年至1978年,宣科在监狱里度过了他人生的黄金时期。在那之后,他带着痛定思痛后的醒悟,带着对理想的执著,经常深入丽江边远山区进行野外考察,收集音乐、舞蹈的资料,深深的扎入纳西民族的原始生态文化中。他重建起中国大研纳西古乐会,使纳西古乐这块活化石大放异彩,为世人所知晓。在音乐研究上,他提出的“合
With such doubts, the reporter interviewed the elderly in the 21st Century Theater in Beijing in mid-September. Xuan Ke is Tibetan Naxi people, he is legendary. From 1958 to 1978, Xuan Ke spent the golden age of his life in prison. After that, he wakes up with awkward thoughts and pains, carries his dedication to his ideals and often visits the remote mountainous areas of Lijiang for field trips. He collects information on music and dance and deeply engages in the primitive ecological culture of the Naxi people. He rebuilt China’s Greater Naxi Ancient Music Association, so that Naxi ancient music shine vivid fossils, known to the world. In music research, he proposed "co-operation