
来源 :辽金历史与考古 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolyl1979
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1999年,在朝阳北票市姚花吐镇林四家子村王坟山(现归朝阳市双塔区所属)一座被当地村民盗掘破坏的辽墓里,出土两块砖质墨书题记墓志(图版六,1、2)。第一块长34厘米,宽33.2厘米,厚5厘米。第二块长34厘米,宽32.4厘米,厚5厘米。砖上平涂一层白灰面,白灰面上墨书楷书墓志,因第一块未写完,又在第二块上续写,共计竖排三十二行,满行20字,合计474字。部分题记文字由于水浸脱落已漫漶不清,但全文尚可连缀通读。后来这两块砖质墨书题记墓志被朝阳县公安局收缴,并移交朝 In 1999, two brick inscribed tombs were unearthed in the Liao Tombs, destroyed by local villagers in the village of Wangzhuoshan, now home to the Shuangta District of Chaoyang City, Yaohua Tuzhen Town, Beipiao City, Chaoyang Figure version 6, 1,2). The first piece is 34 centimeters long, 33.2 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters thick. The second piece is 34 cm long, 32.4 cm wide and 5 cm thick. Brick flat coated with a layer of gray surface, gray surface of ink on the regular script epitaph, because the first did not finish, and then write in the second block, a total of thirty-two vertical rows, full of 20 words, a total of 474 words . Part of the inscription due to flooding off has been diffuse unclear, but the full text can still be linked to read. Later, two pieces of brick ink inscription etiquette was Chaoyang County Public Security Bureau confiscated and transferred to North Korea
人与自然    教学目的:基础学校的所有的学生都应当意识到,每个人都与自然界密不可分。他们学会认识自然的科学方法,并在这一过程中增加对周围大自然的理解。更重要的是,学生在发现大自然的神奇与美妙的同时,增加了对自然界深深的敬意。  我们每个人都和自然界紧密相连。科学家和散文作家刘易斯?托马斯说:“没有单独的、自由自在的生活的生物:任何一种形式的生物都依赖于其他形式的生物。”这门课程—人与大自然—是针