泉城济南是个出典型的地方,工行、交警作为窗口行业的两大文明标兵,早已闻名全国,成为这个城市最为亮丽的名牌。如今,又有一个新标兵的出现开始引起人们的关注和称赞,它就是被群众誉为“健康保护神”的济南卫生系统。近几年来,该系统以自己独具特色的行风建设活动,深入扎实地开展了“讲宗旨、树新风、塑形象”精神文明创建活动,不断改进医德医风,提高了为人民健康服务水平,塑造了行业新形象,在济南市窗口行业精神文明建设的大合唱中,谱写了激动人心的一章。1 把握大局,明确方向,确立具有卫生行业特点的精神文明创建活动思路 实践证明,创建活动要深入,必须有一个
Jinan is a typical place in the city of Quanzhou. The ICBC and traffic police as the two major civilized pacesetters in the window industry have long been known throughout the country and have become the most beautiful brand in the city. Nowadays, the appearance of another new model has begun to attract people’s attention and praise. It is the Jinan health system that has been praised by the masses as the “health protection god”. In recent years, the system has carried out the “spirit of purpose, new trend of the tree, and plastic image” spiritual civilization creation activities with its own unique style of construction activities, continuously improved medical ethics, and improved the level of services for the people’s health. , Shaped a new image of the industry, and wrote an exciting chapter in the chorus of spiritual civilization in the window industry in Jinan. 1 Grasping the overall situation, setting clear directions, and establishing the mentality of creating a spiritual civilization with the characteristics of the health industry Practice has proved that in order to deepen the creation activities, there must be a