毛天生、毛双梅夫妇系列投毒杀人案是地处浙江省西部的衢州市1998年度六个县、市、区十大疑难复杂大案排行第一的一起恶性案件,也是江山市建国以来最大的一起杀人案。犯罪分子毛天生,毛双梅夫妇三年之内先后投毒作案18次,毒死4条人命、12头耕牛。其行为之恶劣,手段之残忍在整个江山市、衢州市乃至整个浙江省均属罕见。1998年11月6日该系列案件告破,在浙西地区引起了很大的轰动。 1997年8月23日,浙江省江山市新塘边镇永丰村木杓垄自然村的周纪国带着儿子外出打工,家中仅剩下妻子周春仙及女儿周其霞。这天晚饭时,劳累了一天的周春仙草草地将
Mao Tiansheng, Mao Shuangmei couple poison murder case is located in western Zhejiang Quzhou in 1998 in six counties, cities and districts in the top ten most complex and complicated case of a vicious case, but also the largest since the founding of Jiangshan City Murder case. Criminals Mao Tiansheng, Mao Shuangmei couple poisoning poisoning has been 18 times within three years, killing four lives, 12 cattle. The behavior of the harsh, cruel means in the entire country, Quzhou City and the entire Zhejiang Province are rare. November 6, 1998 cracked series of cases in western Zhejiang caused a great sensation. On August 23, 1997, Zhou Jiuguo, a native of Mudianlun Nature Village, Yongfeng Village, Xiantang Boundedong Town, Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, went out to work with his son and left his wife, Zhou Chunxian and daughter, Zhou Qixia. Sunday dinner, tired day of the spring grassland will be