此案例是否存在不符点的关键,在于信用证是否对唛头及其细节做了明确的规定。案例背景信用证受益人:SSANC公司期限:即期金额:USD68400.00开证行:THE AHIKAGA BANK.LTD.(以下简称“A银行”)转开行:THE BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJ,LTD.
The key to the discrepancy of this case lies in whether the letter of credit clearly stipulates the marks and details. Case Background Letter of Credit Beneficiary: SSANC Company Term: Spot Amount: USD68400.00 Issuing Bank: THE AHIKAGA BANK.LTD. (Hereinafter referred to as “A Bank”) Switch to: THE BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJ, LTD .