苹果轮纹病是危害苹果的主要病害。果实感病迅速腐烂,失去经济价值。1994年我县苹果轮纹病大发生,易感病品种果实一般被害40%左右,高的达85%以上,给广大果农造成了严重的经济损失。 一、大发生原因 1.高温多雨是病害发生的主要原因。我县去年
Apple rot disease is a major disease that endangers the apple. The fruit is rapidly decaying and losing economic value. In 1994, the occurrence of apple ring blight in our county occurred. About 40% of the fruits of the susceptible varieties were harmed and over 85% were high, causing serious economic losses to the majority of farmers. First, the big reason 1. Hot and rainy is the main reason for the disease. My county last year